Your favorite quotes from South Park

Now, wait a minute. I wanna clear the air here. We all know that pigeon was a whore. Raise your hand if you didn't sleep with that pigeon? [everybody around him raises his or her hand] Oh, whatever!

S03E05 — Tweek vs. Craig

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This is terrible, dude. Maury Povich parades these poor people around on his show like carnival freaks and then gives them prizes at the end as if to justify it. What a dick!

S06E03 — Freak Strike

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In The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe, A Bunch Of Hippies Walk Around And Paint Stuff.

S02E04 — Chickenlover

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Hey you guys, you know what they call a Jewish woman's boobs? ... Jewbs!

S10E01 — The Return of Chef

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How Do I Reach These Kids?

S12E05 — Eek, A Penis!

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