Your favorite quotes from South Park

Anything That's Fun Costs At Least Eight Dollars

S09E12 — Trapped in the Closet

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Kenny: MMffm mmfmm mmmfmmm.

Stan: You can say that again, Kenny.

Kenny: MMffm mmfmm mmmfmmm.

S01E11 — Tom's Rhinoplasty

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Hippies. They’re everywhere. They wanna save Earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.

S04E06 — Cherokee Hair Tampons

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Here's a little dreidel that's small and made of clay. But I'm not going to play with it 'cause dreidel's friggin' gay.

S03E15 — Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics

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[Watching an elephant have sex with a pig]
Now I know how all those white women must have felt.

S01E05 — An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig

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