Your favorite quotes from South Park

Well, I've been lickin' this carpet for 3 whole hours and I don't feel like a lesbian.

S01E11 — Tom's Rhinoplasty

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Oh my GOD! I killed Kenny. You BASTARD!

S01E07 — Pinkeye

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Hey! If you so much as touch Kitty's ass, I'll put firecrackers in your nut sack and blow your balls all over your pants!

S02E08 — Summer Sucks

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America may have some problems, but it's our home, our team. And if you don't wanna root for your team, then you should get the hell out of the stadium.

S05E09 — Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants

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I do not have sex with boys. I like men my own age. Ah! I mean I like women. Ah! What did I just say? I like titties!

S04E05 — Cartman Joins NAMBLA

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