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I Would Never Let A Woman Kick My Ass

S01E05 — An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig

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Gerald Broflovski: What a great Saturday morning. Aren't weekends just the best?

Stuart McCormick: When you're unemployed, weekends are meaningless.

S02E10 — Chickenpox

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America may have some problems, but it's our home, our team. And if you don't wanna root for your team, then you should get the hell out of the stadium.

S05E09 — Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants

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Sure, Vietnam was fun, but not going-to-the-circus fun or fly-fishing-in-Montana fun. It was more shoving shards of broken glass up your ass and then sitting in a tub of Tabasco sauce fun.

S02E06 — The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka

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