Your favorite quotes from South Park

Now, wait a minute. I wanna clear the air here. We all know that pigeon was a whore. Raise your hand if you didn't sleep with that pigeon? [everybody around him raises his or her hand] Oh, whatever!

S03E05 — Tweek vs. Craig

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Why? How could you do this? There are people starving in Alabama! And you give Cartman a million dollars?!

S05E06 — Cartmanland

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Sure, Vietnam was fun, but not going-to-the-circus fun or fly-fishing-in-Montana fun. It was more shoving shards of broken glass up your ass and then sitting in a tub of Tabasco sauce fun.

S02E06 — The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka

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Anything That's Fun Costs At Least Eight Dollars

S09E12 — Trapped in the Closet

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I can't lose weight, Butters, because I'm not fat, I'm big-boned. You can't slim down bones, stupid!

S06E01 — Jared Has Aides

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